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Whispering Wind Academy is passionate about providing an exceptional education to every student. The ultimate goal is to prepare students for success at the University level. Whispering Wind believes in cultivating, leading, and inspiring all students to become innovative thinkers and lifelong learners through a challenging, meaningful, and engaging curriculum.

Whispering Wind strives to ensure that staff treats every child with dignity and respect. To help students achieve their full potential, learning intentions and success criteria are posted in every classroom, providing clear expectations for their learning and performance. Whispering Wind also provides small group sessions four to five times per week, focusing on math and reading, to facilitate flex grouping that enables students to receive enrichment or remediation based on data collection.

Parents play a crucial role in their child's education, and the school welcomes and encourages their involvement. To that end, the school will host at least three parent-involvement activities throughout the school year.

Whispering Wind Academy prioritizes state standards while utilizing various carefully curated classroom curriculum materials. The exceptional resources are complemented by engaging, hands-on projects and activities grounded in a constructivist approach to data-driven instruction. 

  • Wit & Wisdom (K-6)
  • Great Reading (K-3)
  • Eureka & Zearn (K-5)
  • Open Up Resources (6)
  • Delta's Education's FOSS (Full Option Science System)
Social Studies
  • McGraw Hill (K-6)
  • Wit & Wisdom (K-6)

WWA's Grade Book Policy

Here at WWA our goal is to encourage all students to show mastery of the content standards for their grade level. This philosophy extends to our grading policy on homework. WWA enforces the district policy as found below. 

Governing Board Homework Policy

The Governing Board supports teachers in holding students accountable for completing all homework. This policy is guided by the philosophy that the consequence for not doing homework is doing the homework. Site administrators and teachers will collaborate to develop programs and consistent practices to encourage and motivate students to complete all homework, and to provide opportunities for students to meet the requirement of completing missing homework for credit. 

Whispering Wind is dedicated to ensuring that every single child at every school receives a fully enriched education that includes weekly classes in Art, STEAM, and P.E. Strings and band are an option in grades 4-6.