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Mandarin Immersion

Beginning foreign language instruction early sets the stage for students to develop advanced proficiencies in one or more languages. Younger learners have the capacity to develop near native-like pronunciation and intonation in the new language.

Studies suggest that children who learn a foreign language receive cognitive benefits that extend to learning in other subjects. Immersed students typically demonstrate higher mental flexibility on tasks, an ability to problem solve more fluidly, and a better understanding of how language works.

About Our Program

Our Dual Language immersion (DLI) program is open to children who will enter Kindergarten to 6th Grade. Mandarin Chinese prepares children to be globally competitive and ready for 21st century success. Mandarin Chinese is spoken by one-sixth of the world's population in one of the world’s strongest economies. The U.S. State Department has identified the language as one of 13 in high-demand but for which there are too few proficient U.S. speakers.

Mandarin immersion students will still receive instruction and support in English while learning Mandarin Chinese in an immersion format.

In our program, students spend part of the day receiving math and science instruction in Mandarin Chinese, then receive instruction in reading and social studies in English. The goals of the program are to acquire proficiency in listening and speaking, acquire an understanding of and appreciation for other cultures, and acquire some proficiency in reading and writing.

Why Should I Consider Immersion?

Learning a second language can have long-term educational benefits for your student, and research has shown that immersion is the most effective way to learn a language. The process of learning a second language at an early age has a positive effect on intellectual growth and enriches and enhances a child’s mental development. Bilingual students typically perform better than monolingual students on tasks that call for divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving. Additionally, bilingual students will have a head start on college requirements and will experience increased job opportunities in many careers where knowing another language is an asset.

Professionals who know other languages are called on to travel and exchange information with people in the U.S. and other countries throughout their careers.  Knowing more than one language enhances opportunities in government, business, law, medicine and health care, teaching, technology, the military, communications, industry, social service, and marketing. 

Interested In Our Program? 

Interest Form 

Would you like to Tour Whispering Wind Academy and see our Mandarin Immersion classes in person? 

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