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Behavior Approach

We believe in a very systematic approach to discipline, providing every student the ability to change and learn from their behavior.  In that approach we put a heavy emphasis on utilizing and recognizing what students are already doing that is positive and continue to focus on that positive behavior.

The home/school partnership is a critical part to helping students who need continual support. We feel that although a young person may make some poor choices, it is important for us to frame those decisions as choices and guide that student to make a better choice in the future.

Character Development

At WWA, we utilize the Character Strong program which emphasizes developing three ideas - Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Well. This program creates a positive school wide culture that can be seen, felt, and heard on campus. It assists our teachers in developing and maintaining a culture that encourages the full potential of all students and staff. Each month teachers focus on a specific skill relating to the three ideas. Parents/Guardians receive a weekly email explaining the month's skill and supplemental resources they can use with their children. Examples of specific monthly skills are respect, gratitude, responsibility, creativity, honesty, perseverance, courage, empathy, and cooperation. 

We have also provided every grade level with a Conflict Resolution Time Machine mat. These are stored in tubes anchored to the walls around our school. Students may invite another person to visit the Time Machine and open a discussion about a conflict. Students have been explicitly taught how to use the Time Machine, and new learning opportunities will continue to be offered. The Time Machine encourages the use of "I statements" and guides the students to advocate for what they need from the other person.

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support)

Whispering Wind Academy uses the PBIS initiative throughout our school. These school-wide systems of support include proactive strategies for defining teaching, and supporting appropriate student behavior to create a positive school environment. Our mascot is the eagle so our students SOAR. We look behaviors exhibiting Safety, Ownership, Always Kind, and Respect. School-wide participation in noticing students’ positive and expected behavior is recognized by all staff through SOAR cards. Golden Eagles are awarded to one student in each class monthly who demonstrate above and beyond behavior. Each quarter there is a mini-celebration for the students who earned a Golden Eagle that quarter. Whispering Wind Academy holds a SOAR assembly at the end of each quarter to reinforce our SOAR expectations and acknowledge students who have been following the expectations. 

For More Information

Behavior Matrix